Friday, July 18, 2008


So.. I was thinking...

Not that anyone's reading this... but I might do some strips of this from time to time. No schedule. Just for fun. Why? Well because I re-drew Hughes and liked it.

Here's what Hughes looks like one year and a lot of tablet knowledge later...


Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Pardon Our Mess, Mind Under Renovation

I know, not a proper update. Jeez, been far too long since I made one. But I wanted to show that I DO remember my work here and I do feel bad I haven't had anything up for awhile.

That said, that above list is, of course, not all I'm working on. Were that the case, you'd have a bajillion comics here.

There's also Chemistry, Printmaking II, Museum Studies, and.. oh.. MY ENTIRE FREAKING THESIS. So yeah, those keep pushing everything back.

I bought Metroid Prime 3 last week and haven't gotten to even put it in my Wii! Or set up my Wii for that matter! Folks, that is SAD. But worry not, when some free moments open up, I'll get some comic-y goodness drawn up., back to work. *mumbles* email professor, finish reading, report, work on SL stage for presentation, do Chem, blah de blah...

Sunday, August 12, 2007


It moves!

Yes, there've been no updates as of late.. but worry not! I return to college in less than a week. When that happens, I'll easily be able to dive headlong into getting the strip back up and maybe even *gasp* getting a buffer in place!

I know the next couple of strips inside and out.. I've just been too busy or tired lately to get to them. Wait just a little bit longer, folks, it's coming. I've come too far to let this puppy slide, and I like my zombies too much for that.

Also, I've been looking at new brush techniques in photoshop and plan on applying them to the comic, so here's to what'll hopefully be a better looking comic in the coming days :D

See you all again with updates very soon!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Not Dead Yet

I'm still alive! Promise!

I just have other things, very tiring things, going on right now and some stuff to deal with that makes getting the comics out in a timely manner rather difficult. That said, I'll be updating as I can, but about mid-August, regular updates should resume all spiffy-like. I'll be back at college then and be able to work a LOT more freely! :3

So just hang in there with me for a couple more weeks of these spottier updates, and we'll get everything back on track!

Monday, July 16, 2007


On the way

Coloring's almost done, gotta throw in the background and speech bubbles. Sadly, that will probably wait until after work (7pm central time). I'm just too sleepy to do it right now and have to get some shut eye before work.

It won't take long to finish though, so look back Monday evening/night for the comic! :D

Friday, July 13, 2007


Sometimes, even real life lags...

Comic is in the works, but as you can tell, late.

This results from ComicGenesis being down and from me being called in for 4 more hours than planned Friday. Had I that time (which I'd planned on) you'd see a new spiffy comic here right now. Alas, time makes fools of us all and as you can see, there's not shit up.

So, working on the new page as I can, plus a wallpaper that's hopefully filled with enough awesome to make up for the delays.

I'm staying on this path of adding more to the comic and smoothing out the style since it's something more people are watching now. I have an audience that's not entirely made up of people I know, can't have things looking like shit anymore. o.o;

~Out to construct additional Pylons

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Fanservice Time!

Hey, I like pinups... what can I say?
Hope this doesn't throw anyone off. I just like drawing female figures sometimes (hey, you ladies just have much better curves to draw than guys.. we're rather boxy and boring to draw. :/) and this developed. Sorry updates have been sparse, we've just been doing a lot at the store lately, the auditor will probably be there tomorrow, and we'll be doing inventory this month. I'll be doing some big story-moving stuff soon though! ^^

On another note: I picked up and am reading Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash. Every time I've spoken online to anyone about Gibson, I always get asked, "OMG, have you read Snow Crash?!" And I got told every time what an awesome book it was. Well I finally had the opportunity to get my mitts on a copy, so I did and I must say, Mr. Stephenson's writing style is amazing. Never have the first two chapters of a book so captivated my interest, let alone by the adventures of a pizza delivery man. Awesome intro, and now almost a hundred pages later, it's still a wonderful book. I'm torn between it and The Difference Engine right now.. ahh, Cyberpunk or Steampunk.. such a win/win battle.

Until later, dear readers!


May 2007   June 2007   July 2007   August 2007   September 2007   July 2008  

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